EReTech, Autore presso EReTech - EU project Electrified Reactor Technology


17 July 2024

Mar­tin Baumgärtl pre­sent­ed EreTech project at the ACHEMA 2024 con­fer­ence.

ACHEMA is one of the most pres­ti­gious event where researchers, indus­tries and investors meet to dis­cuss new devel­op­ments and cur­rent chal­lenges in the process indus­tries.

Mar­tin, CTO SYPOX GmbH, is Chem­i­cal engi­neer with strong exper­tise in het­ero­ge­neous catal­y­sis, sorp­tion and sur­face char­ac­ter­i­sa­tion. His pre­sen­ta­tion was titled “Scal­able Elec­tri­cal­ly Heat­ed Reac­tor for Steam-Methane Reform­ing” and host­ed in the ses­sion GeCats — Elec­tri­fy­ing in catal­y­sis, chaired  Axel Behrens, from our part­ner  Linde GmbH, Linde Engi­neer­ing, Pul­lach, DE.

Read more about EreTech research and tech­nol­o­gy in the con­fer­ence abstract


1 July 2024

EReTech Pilot 1 is the first step to allow bio­gas con­ver­sion into CO2-neu­tral hydro­gen using the SYPOX reac­tor tech­nol­o­gy. The SYPOX reac­tor is an advance­ment of con­ven­tion­al fire-heat­ed steam reform­ers, where the ther­mal ener­gy is sup­plied not by fuel com­bus­tion but by inte­grat­ed elec­tri­cal­ly heat­ed ele­ments in direct con­tact with the react­ing gas mix­ture.

Test­ing the full-scale SYPOX bio­gas reform­ing reac­tor in real oper­at­ing con­di­tions is the main pur­pose of EReTech Pilot 1. With an input of bio­gas from agri­cul­tur­al waste, Pilot 1 pro­duces syn­the­sis gas, com­mon­ly known as “syn­gas”, a mix­ture com­posed main­ly of hydro­gen, car­bon monox­ide and car­bon diox­ide. With­in the dura­tion of the project, a sec­ond full-scale plant, the EReTech Pilot 2, will be installed and used to test the whole hydro­gen-pro­duc­ing process, includ­ing the syn­gas post-treat­ment to pure hydro­gen.

The Pilot 1 plant is housed in a twelve-meter-long ship­ping con­tain­er, with an elec­tri­cal input to the SYPOX reform­ing reac­tor of 250 kilo­watts.

Pilot 1 has been installed at the Bio­gas plant “Josef Kern­er Energiewirtschafts-GmbH” in Dollnstein, Ger­many. In April 2024, the Dollnstein city coun­cil unan­i­mous­ly approved the oper­a­tional run: this is set for 1500 hours over about two months. The test is sole­ly for research pur­pos­es, assess­ing con­trol­la­bil­i­ty and reg­u­la­tion for per­ma­nent oper­a­tion.

As the pro­duced syn­gas has not been used for oth­er pur­pos­es at the moment, it is com­plete­ly flared in a nine-meter-high enclosed chim­ney. There will be no noise or odour nui­sance dur­ing the test run, and the com­bus­tion process will take place entire­ly with­in the chim­ney.

The EReTech Pilot 1 oper­a­tions are led by TU Munich, with the tech­ni­cal com­po­nents pro­vid­ed by SYPOX, which is also the con­trac­tor. Bay­ern­gas han­dles the con­nec­tions, out­flows, and plant inte­gra­tion.

Pilot 2 is expect­ed to replace Pilot 1 and start oper­a­tion next year in June 2025, pro­duc­ing 400 kilo­grams of high-puri­ty hydro­gen per day, with an intend­ed oper­a­tional peri­od of 4000 hours.

Pilot 1 and Pilot 2 are designed and built fol­low­ing ongo­ing laws and stan­dards. Mean­while, a Life Cycle Assess­ment and a Tech­no-Eco­nom­ic Analy­sis for the indus­tri­al repli­ca­tion of the hydro­gen-pro­duc­ing plants are also under devel­op­ment.

Watch the inter­view with Gian­lu­ca Paulet­to CEO of SYPOX and Angela Lot­ti Research Chem­i­cal Engi­neer at UNIPD and Vis­it­ing Researcher at SYPOX at Pilot 1 in Dollnstein!


1 January 2024


We invite you to join online event: THE ELECTRIC DECADE

Wednes­day, 17 Jan­u­ary 2024 | 9.00–12.00 CET

It is organ­ised with­in the frame­work of EReTech Project car­ried out in SYPOX GmbH


  • Elec­tri­fi­ca­tion’s role in real­iz­ing the Green Deal
  • Dis­cus­sion on chal­lenges and inno­v­a­tive cat­alyt­ic reac­tor solu­tions for the process indus­try
  • CO₂ emis­sion reduc­tion strate­gies
  • Dis­cus­sions with experts from lead­ing Hori­zon Europe projects: e‑CODUCT, EReTech, ēQA­TOR, TITAN in STORMING

Con­trib­u­tors to the debate:

  • Franz Hörzen­berg­er, Arcelor­Mit­tal
  • Wal­ter Ver­meiren, Total Cor­po­rate R&D
  • Gleb Veryasov, Total­En­er­gies
  • Gian­lu­ca Paulet­to, SYPOX GmbH
  • Richard Heyn, SINTEF
  • David Far­rus­seng, IRCELYON
  • Patri­cia Ben­i­to, Uni­ver­si­ty of Bologna


Dr. Joris W. Thy­baut (Ghent Uni­ver­si­ty) and Dr. Geor­gios Ste­fani­dis (Nation­al Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Athens) will mod­er­ate the event.

Note that reg­is­tra­tion is required.

The event will be in Eng­lish.

[INVITATION] — https://e‑



7 November 2023

A‑29_Baum­gaertl_­TUM_­Elec­tri­cal­ly-heat­ed-reac­tor-for-steam-methane-reform­ing_DGMK_oct 2023EReTech recent­ly par­tic­i­pat­ed in the con­fer­ence “C1 — Build­ing Blocks for Future Chem­istry” organ­ised by DGMK e.V. on 11–13 Octo­ber 2023. This con­fer­ence brings togeth­er experts from indus­try and acad­e­mia, with a high par­tic­i­pa­tion from indus­try, rep­re­sent­ing rough­ly one-third of the del­e­gates. This makes this con­fer­ence an ide­al plat­form for net­work­ing.

The con­fer­ence will address top­i­cal sci­en­tif­ic and tech­no­log­i­cal issues around catal­y­sis as an enabling tech­nol­o­gy, address­ing the spe­cial chal­lenges of the ener­gy tran­si­tion and improved sus­tain­abil­i­ty.

Our part­ner from TUM and SYPOX pre­sent­ed a recent research out­put with a paper enti­tled

Elec­tri­cal­ly Heat­ed Reac­tor for Steam Methane Reform­ing


1 July 2023

On 1st June 2023 EReTech part­ners met for their 12th Month meet­ing of Project, orga­nized by our part­ner CERTH. Part­ners report­ed on project activ­i­ties and had dis­cus­sions on how to achieve the best out­comes and project results. Addi­tion­al­ly, all part­ners con­tributed to future project devel­op­ments and deci­sions in order to com­plete suc­cess­ful­ly fore­seen activ­i­ties and tasks. Activ­i­ties and achieve­ments are con­fi­den­tial, but we can report some few notes on the meet­ing activ­i­ties!

Click here to down­load


25 May 2023

It is ongo­ing the 12th Month meet­ing of EreTech project in Thes­sa­loní­ki, 1st June 2023!
The main goals of the meet­ing are the assess­ment of the project activ­i­ties devel­oped dur­ing this first year of work and dis­cus­sions on next steps. Notes about the project progress will be pub­lished soon, STAY TUNED!

Project Partners

Grant agree­ment ID: 101058608
Start date   1 June 2022
End date   30 Novem­ber 2025
Elec­tri­fied Reac­tor Tech­nol­o­gy